Solution Information:
Title : How a Mobile App Can Save You From Covid19
Description : I came up with this idea about building a mobile application that will provide all the necessary information about COVID-19 to keep you safe during your quarantine days & also include AI and GPS for the best output. I named this as ‘Corona — All in One’. You can see the overall view of the app below here_ In the 1st section, we have this emergency button that will contain all the emergency numbers, hotlines, hospitals. Using AI, this will also show us the numbers which are currently not busy. You straightly get to call a number that is available to save your time. The emergency feature of the app will let you know the numbers which are not busy The next feature might be super essential for you if you have someone seriously sick/ill in your house. This feature will track your location through GPS & will trigger the nearest hospital or ambulance provider to send an ambulance to your location. Letting the access to your location, the app will ask the nearest hospital to send an ambulance Tapping the relief button will allow you either to donate or receive reliefs. You can donate foundations like Biddanondo or Ek Takar Ahar, conversely, you can receive from them too. Nevertheless, it will not allow revealing your identity. There are three sections here just to serve information & news to emphasize the importance of information. A2i (Access to Information) will provide all the general information, all the dos and don ts during this epidemic. IEDCR (Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control & Research) shows all the latest updates of Bangladesh with their daily briefing. World Meter will let you know the current situation of mother earth. The app is showing all the places infected with the disease There are a bunch of e-shops around us who are still providing home-to-home services. Ran out of medicine, groceries or something you need in your daily life? Please stay home instead of going market & call them.
Category : Mobile App
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