Solution Information:
Title : Automatic Relief Distribution System
Description : We want to work for the betterment of socio-economically disadvantaged people and at the same time, ensure access to proper information for common people. Our idea is to incorporate RFID based vending machine technology and relief cards into the relief distribution system to ensure proper, fair and corruption free distribution of food. The relief cards contain information about a person’s identity and family members and can be used to track food collection dates. Therefore, we can ensure that from the vending machines, people will be able to collect enough food according to the size of their families and cannot unethically collect more food than others. Moreover, to battle corruption on authoritative levels, we are maintaining live updates of distribution data from the vending machine server. We have also added Covid19 live updates directly from hospital servers using our own API. In this way we can eliminate the involvement of middlemen in the information releasing process and thus common people can have fair access to proper information.
Category : IoT
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