Solution Information:
Title : EpidemicPortal | Relief Distribution , Smart Relief Request & Isolation Unit Monitoring Service
Description : We've built our IOT platform on these three issues: Relief Delivery Information, Smart Relief Application, and Isolation Unit Monitoring. The name of our IOT platform is Epidemic Portal. Website link - We first created our specialized web forms. Where we can take data from different individuals and organizations and find out about their relief activities. At least now the data from the organization will be updated by our associates on the interactive maps and query tables on our main webpage. Here the organization will also be able to give the NID number of those who provided relief. From which we can match the relief application received from our device, whether they received relief or not. It's just to stop stocking up on extra relief. If a person needs relief he can apply by simply scanning his national identity card on our devices in different areas. He can also do that by typing the national identity card number on the keypad of the device. We will then forward their request to the organization and individual in the area registered under us. Moreover, everyone's request will be published publicly on our relief portal. Our last device has originally designed for all isolation units. This device will first fix the environment of the isolation room. Then it will constantly send the data of all the isolation rooms to our isolation portal. Anyone can access that information. And anyone who wants to do research can use that information.
Category : IoT
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