: Relief distribution monitoring system based on multi stage varification website
: Team Bdfund is presenting you a relief distribution monitoring system based on multi stage varification website. We all know in this extra ordinary time of pandemic our government is trying at it's best to distribute it's resources to the prople in need.It is to remeber that these resources is our basic rights from our country. But in news we have seen many case the the resource/relief has been misused or has been abducted by some unehical responsibles. So to ensure fair and transperent distribution of country's resources we have built a system where all the process of relief distribution has been brought into a central system. The user , volunteers , admins and the receipants all are under one repository system. All typ of transaction can be monitored and multi stage varification includes QR varification , sms based OTP confirmation and the most effective feature face recognition and face id based database. All repository has been kept transperent. And distribution has been brought under surveillance.
To visit live domain visit : http://iosysbdfund.000webhostapp.com/bdfund/ |
user name : user@gmail.com |
password : user1234 | To get a quick idea watch : https://youtu.be/L3gy9z-d-SA