: A ventilation system generally helps the ICU patients upon their respiratory functionality. The ventilators are the highest point of necessity in this critical condition of mass transmission of COVID-19. The proposed SENSO CODER Ventilation is based on the design of the ventilation system and machinery which will be cost-efficient at its highest level possible. The design consists of BVM (Bag Ventilation Mask) mechanics, special ventilation bags, CPAP masks with reliable oxygen tubes, Servo motors with Robotic Claw, microcontrollers and both A.C. and D.C. power systems. This design would be much more applicable, functional and low of cost on the comparison of other technological organizations which are focusing of making sophisticated, complex and costly ventilation machines. But SENSO CODER Ventilation is designed mainly for the broader service of ventilation to the rural areas where the ratio between the mass and the number of ventilator is undoubtedly unacceptable.