Solution Information:
Title : Direct RT-PCR to decrease time and cost of test with high sensitivity and selectibility.
Description : Detection of viral RNA in respiratory specimens by real-time reverse transcription PCR (RT-qPCR) remains the main approach to manage the outbreak by allowing early detection of cases and targeted measures to prevent transmission of the virus . The massive demand for SARS-CoV-2 RT-qPCR has brought about a global shortage and supply chain irregularities of RNA extraction kits that are crucial for RT-qPCR testing . The WHO and many other health authorities around the world have emphasized the critical role of laboratory testing in case management, surveillance and rapid response, and infection prevention and control .As such, hundreds of thousands of RT-qPCR tests are being performed daily across the globe, leading to a shortage of RNA extraction reagents and RT-qPCR kits .Direct RT-PCR exclude RNA extraction process.So direct RT-PCR is relatively fast and less costly and solve the reagent shortage problem.
Category : Chemical
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