Solution Information:
Title : An Integrated Database System (website) to combat Covid-19 Pandemic
Description : Shomonnoi Bangladesh ( is an online platform connecting volunteer organizations across the country, donors, NGOs, Private & Government Stakeholders to ensure that every individual can access Covid-19 Information free of cost and take necessary help from our platform. Apart from reaching out to the helpless and needy people, we also have map based daily updated information (dashboard & thermal maps, collected from IEDCR & Department of Public Health) to make people aware about the affected or risky and vulnerable regions in the country along with the infected number information so that others can stay safe and away from those risky areas. One of our prime targets is to reach out and help the vulnerable families through our relief aid distribution network ( connecting all volunteer organizations and government employees through which we can ensure smooth and effective relief aid distribution for them. Also, we have international journal articles and researches (News Updates) on Covid-19, which is daily updated in our website with the latest international information to fight and tackle Corona Virus and spread the message to common people. In the near future, we also aim to incorporate our farmers and connect with them to establish an 'Agricultural Production Capacity Mapping' with an improvised supply chain network through our comprehensive & informative website features.
Category : Web
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