Solution Information:
Title : BosheBoshe Online Shopping
Description : BosheBoshe is an online shopping marketplace which is helping the people of Dinajpur who are unable to go outside for daily needs due to the world pandemic. Right now, it is unsafe to go outside for daily needs. If we think like all the people are coming outside for daily needs then it could be a disaster. As there is no one to help these innocents, we took necessary steps to give our helping hands. We are not doctors or nurses but we know that helping in our own way can be as novel as them. If no one risk their lives, people will be helpless and will be forced to come outside for their family needs. To stop the spread of this Novel Coronavirus we decided to risk our lives to help people. BosheBoshe ( is live now. We hope to make the society a better place and stop the fast spread of coronavirus.
Category : Web
Media Links:
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