Solution Information:
Title : An easy process to find all the people who came in contract with the corona patient.
Description : Various technologies are currently being used in our country to identify corona patients, however, no technology has yet been introduced to identify people who come in contact with the identified patient. But if Bangladesh starts working with this technology, then Bangladesh will go one step further in tackling the war with korona virus. We will use mobile applications to locate smart phones user and also use network tracking system to locate non-smart phones user. We have to use both of these methods. Because many people in our country do not use Android phones. The main goal of our process is to find all the person who came in contract with the affected person in the last 14 days and send all of them in quarantine and after testing keep affected person in isolation. Besides this, we will also have an emergency alert service in our application. If an infected person comes within 200 meters of a healthy person, an emergency alarm will sound through the app.
Category : Mobile App