We want to create a online shop so that man don't come out f
We are team Digital Saviour. Our first prototype App is quit
An small ERP Solution for small merchandising business. It c
This Platform will work as a bridge between Donors and Seeke
An app and a dedicated website will be introduced for daily
Environmental changes and uncontrolled usage of insecticides
On emergency IT & security support overall Dhaka city. Lik
বর্তমানে সারা পৃথিবীতে অন্যতম এক আতজ্ঞকের নাম হল করোনা ভাইরা
The COVID-19 pandemic is due to infection caused by the nove
Proposal Since Bangladesh has entered into Covid 19 commu
The amount of COVID-19 patients is increasing rapidly in Ban
A machine learning model has been developed which can detect
Bonton believes that internet access is a fundamental human
Aspireforlives is an online platform integrating Important s
My team has designed a low cost emergency ventilation machin
SARS-CoV-2 has so far infected more than 23,00,000 people in
Our goal is to track the confirmed patient's movement locati
দূরে থাকো will be an Android app. It will help us to identif
To date, Covid-19 has predominantly spread in high income co
Cluster and Contact Tracing